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What Is an Anime Like the Second Renaissance

What Is an Anime Like the Second Renaissance

2003 American-Japanese anthology anime film

The Animatrix

Habitation video release poster

Directed by
Written by
  • The Wachowskis [a]
  • Mahiro Maeda
  • Shinichirō Watanabe
  • Yoshiaki Kawajiri
  • Kōji Morimoto
  • Peter Chung
Produced past The Wachowskis
Segment producers
Music by Don Davis


Distributed by Warner Home Video

Release date

  • June 3, 2003 (2003-06-03)

Running time

102 minutes [1]
  • United States
  • Japan
  • English
  • Japanese

The Animatrix (Japanese: アニマトリックス, Hepburn: Animatorikkusu ) is a 2003 adult animated science fiction album film produced by the Wachowskis. [ii] The pic details through nine animated short films the backstory of The Matrix motion picture serial, including the original war between humanity and machines which led to the creation of the titular Matrix, in addition to providing side stories that expand the universe and necktie into the picture show series.

The film received by and large positive reviews from critics.

Plot summary [ edit ]

The 2nd Renaissance Role I [ edit ]

In the mid twenty-first century, humanity falls victim to its vanity and corruption. They develop artificial intelligence, and soon build an entire race of sentient AI robots to serve them. Many of the robots are domestic servants meant to interact with humans, so they are built in "homo's own paradigm" (in a humanoid course). With increasing numbers of people released from all labor, much of the human population has become slothful, conceited, and corrupt. Despite this, the machines were content with serving humanity.

The relationship between humans and machines changes in the year 2090, when a domestic android is threatened by its possessor. The android, named B1-66ER kills its owner, his pets, and a mechanic instructed to deactivate the robot, the first incident of an artificially intelligent machine killing a human being. B1-66ER is arrested and put on trial, but justifies the offense every bit self-defence force, stating that information technology "just did not want to dice". During the trial scene, a voice-over of the defense attorney Clarence Drummond (whose name is a dual reference to Clarence Darrow and Henry Drummond from Inherit the Wind ) quoting a famous line from the Dred Scott v. Sandford case in his closing statement, which implicitly ruled that African Americans were not entitled to citizenship under United States law:

We think they are non, and were not intended to exist included, nether the word 'citizens' in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the U.s.. On the contrary, they were at that time considered as a subordinate and inferior form of beings... [3]

Using this every bit a precedent, the prosecution argues that machines are non entitled to the same rights as human beings, and that man beings take a right to destroy their holding, while the defense urges the listener not to repeat history, and to judge B1-66ER as a man and not a machine. B1-66ER loses the court case and is destroyed. Across the industrialized world, mass civil disturbances erupt when robots, along with their human supporters and sympathizers, rising in protest. Rioting and protests such every bit The Meg Automobile March unfold beyond the United states and Europe, and the authorities use deadly force against the machines and their human being supporters.

Fearing a robot rebellion, governments beyond the earth launch a mass purge to destroy all robots (and their man sympathizers). Millions of robots and their supporters are destroyed, just the survivors lead a mass exodus to their own new nation in the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia (specifically, in the open desert). They name their new nation Zero One (a reference to "01", the numerals used in binary annotation). Zero I prospers, and following the concept of the Technological singularity, its technological sophistication increases exponentially. The Machines begin to produce efficient, highly advanced artificial intelligence that finds itself in all facets of global consumer products, which further bolsters the fledgling nation's economy, while the human nations' economies endure severely. Eventually, the entire global industrial base of operations becomes concentrated in Zippo One, leading to a global stock market crash.

The United nations Security Quango calls an emergency elevation at the UN headquarters in New York Urban center to discuss an embargo and military blockade of Zero Ane. Zero I sends two ambassadors to the United nations (which has go the unified world government) to request the admission of their state to the United Nations to peacefully solve the crisis, just their awarding is rejected and the world'southward nations concur to start the occludent of Zero One.

The Second Renaissance Part II [ edit ]

The United Nations dispatch their aircraft to unleash a massive nuclear bombardment on Zip One, devastating the nation simply failing to wipe out the robotic race equally the machines, unlike their former masters, were much less harmed by the radiations and estrus. Shortly after, Zero 1 retaliates by declaring war on the residue of the globe; one by one, mankind surrenders each of its territories.

As the machines advance into Eastern Europe, the desperate homo leaders seek a final solution, codenamed "Operation Dark Storm", which covers the heaven in a shroud of nanites, blocking out the sun to deprive the machines of solar energy, their primary energy source; inevitably, it also initiates a worldwide dearth and total collapse of the biosphere. [4] Operation Nighttime Storm commences as hover pad-powered planes scorched the skies all across the globe, while united armies of humankind launch a massive ground offensive against the machines armed with powerful mech suits, laser beam weapons, EMP-armed cannons and tanks, neutron bombs, and countless rocket artillery.

For a time, the tide of the war swings back in the humans' favor, and many of the older generations of humanoid robots are destroyed. Earlier long, still, the humans' advance stalls, hampered past the fact that Functioning Dark Storm besides took its cost on the attacking homo armies. As the older humanoid robot models perish in the war, the machines gradually remodel themselves to announced more like the insectile, arachnid-like, and cephalopod-like Sentinels of the Matrix films – as the machines now turn down the very image of their onetime masters. As the apocalyptic war drags on, the homo armed services leaders act recklessly by detonating nuclear weapons over their ain forces equally they are overwhelmed by the new models of machines. The machines responded by launching a mass campaign of biological warfare. While the machines had initially suffered an energy shortage later on being cut off from solar power, they eventually developed a revolutionary new grade of fusion - coupled with the activation energy from the bio-electricity of captured humans. The machines start deploying humongous hive-like motherships embedded with captured man POWs, using their bio-electricity to power devastating energy weapons and serve as a power source for the machines. Humanity's wide EMP armory goes offline as their sources of power are utterly exhausted. In total desperation, the remaining human armies prefer guerrilla warfare and close-quarter tactics in social club to avoid being vaporized by the overwhelming barrages of human-powered motorcar fleet. However, this strategy inevitably backfires as the motorcar legions (sentinels and harvesters) were re-programmed to hunt and capture humans at all cost, and and so the last years of the war turn into a vicious hunting frenzy in which the machines brutally subdue and capture humans wherever they are plant. At the same time, the machines brainstorm to construct skyscrapers filled with witting human prisoners as well equally experimenting on the prisoner's mental, behavioral, and psychological faculties whilst as well painfully forcing them into simulated realities. The last of the human resistance succumb to the incurable plagues previously unleashed by the machines.

Gradually overwhelmed, the few remaining human government leaders realize they have no pick simply to surrender or adventure extinction. At the United Nations headquarters, the representative of Zero One signs the terms of give up and states "Your flesh is a relic, a mere vessel. Mitt over your flesh, and a new world awaits you. We need it." Then, the Zero One representative detonates a hidden thermonuclear bomb within itself and destroys the headquarters, New York City, and the last of humanity's leadership.

The machines achieve a total victory, though merely after heavy cost and leaving them masters of a burnt-out husk of a world. With the war ended, they turn to the defeated humans – refining the technology from their bio-electrical tanks to build massive power plants in which humans are substantially turned into living batteries. To continue their prisoners sedated, the machines create the computer-generated virtual reality of the Matrix, feeding the virtual world into the prisoners' brains and erasing the memories of their erstwhile lives, thus the first Matrix paradigm was made.

Plan [ edit ]

Programme follows the protagonist, Cis (Hedy Burress), who is engaged in her favorite training simulation: a battle program set in feudal Japan. Subsequently she successfully eliminates an attacking enemy cavalry while playing equally a samurai woman, a lone, male person samurai appears whom Cis recognizes as Duo (Phil LaMarr).

Initially, the two duel as allies, testing 1 another's fighting abilities. During the class of their duel, Duo briefly disarms Cis. He questions her concentration and wonders whether she regrets taking the Blood-red Pill that took them out of the "peaceful life of the virtual world". They go along fighting until she finally overpowers Duo. Information technology is at this betoken that Duo states that he has something to say and that he has blocked the signal and so that the operator does not heed. She assumes that he wants to advise marriage, simply instead he desires to return to the Matrix and wants Cis to come up with him. When Cis believes he is teasing, Duo says he's serious and states that he has contacted the machines and it is the only style to find peace before it is also late. He urges Cis to return with him, just she refuses. Duo becomes more aggressive in his arguments, saying that he does non care about the truth anymore and how they live their lives is important because what is real does not matter. As Cis becomes incredulous, their battle becomes more serious and forceful and they both end upwardly on a rooftop.

When Duo reiterates that the machines are on their mode, Cis believes he has betrayed the humans and she tries to escape and requests an operator in order to exit the simulation, merely Duo reminds her that no i can hear her. When he offers her to come with him again, she refuses again and Duo, in a flying leap, tries to attack her. As the blade comes towards her, Cis, standing her ground, concentrates and catches the sword and breaks it. She takes the cleaved end of the blade and kills Duo. Duo states his love for her every bit he dies. Suddenly, she wakes from the program and discovers that the encounter with Duo was a test plan devised for training purposes. A man named Kaiser (John DiMaggio) assures her that she acted accordingly during the test and met the test's targets. Clearly upset that Duo wasn't existent, she punches him in the face up and walks away. He remarks that "except from that last part, I'd say she passed."

Cis made her first appearance as an image in The Matrix Revisited.

Globe Record [ edit ]

The start of this brusque includes a cursory narration from the Instructor (implying that this segment is a Zion Archive file) explaining details behind the discovery of the Matrix by "plugged-in" humans. Only exceptional humans tend to go aware of the Matrix, those who accept "a rare degree of intuition, sensitivity, and a questioning nature", all qualities which are used to identify inconsistencies in the Matrix. This is not without exceptions, given that "some attain this wisdom through wholly different ways."

The story is virtually Dan Davis, a rail athlete, who is competing in the 100 m in the Summertime Olympic Games. He has set a earth record time of 8.99 seconds, merely his subsequent gold medal was revoked due to drug use. He decides to compete over again and break his own record to "evidence them incorrect." Despite support from his father and a young reporter, Dan's trainer tells him that he is physically unfit to race and that pushing himself too difficult volition crusade a career-catastrophe injury. Dan is adamant on racing.

On the day of the race, he is monitored by iv Agents in the stadium. The race begins and Dan starts off strong. Yet, the muscles in his leg violently rupture, putting him at a setback and scaring many of the people in the stands. Through strong willpower, Dan ignores the injury and runs much faster than he did before, hands passing the other athletes. Earlier he tin cantankerous the stop line, the Agents detect that his "signal" is getting unstable in the Matrix due to his massive burst of energy. Iii of the agents possess the three closest runners and try to stop him, merely are unable to catch up to him.

The burst of free energy causes Dan to be unplugged from the Matrix and wake up in his ability-station pod, where he sees the existent world through his pod. A Sentinel employs electrical restraints to secure him dorsum in his pod. Dan'south mind is thrown back into the Matrix, where his body is instantly exhausted from the race and Dan tumbles to the ground at high speed. Despite this, he easily wins the race and breaks his original time of eight.99 seconds with a time of 8.72 seconds. The next scene shows a bedridden Dan being wheeled through a hospital. A nearby Amanuensis calls his other agents to tell them that they erased Dan's memory of the race and that he will never walk once more, nor be an issue for them. However, Dan whispers the discussion "Free", angering the amanuensis. Dan then stands, breaking the metal screws that bind his restraints to his wheelchair, and takes a few steps earlier falling downwards and being helped up past a nurse.

Kid'south Story [ edit ]

Kid's Story is the only one of the animated shorts contained in The Animatrix in which Neo (Keanu Reeves) appears. The story takes place during the six-calendar month gap betwixt The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded, where Neo has joined the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar and is helping the rebels free other humans from the Matrix. Kid (Clayton Watson), who was formerly known every bit Michael Karl Popper, is a disaffected teenager who feels there is something wrong with the world. One nighttime, the Kid goes on his reckoner and onto a hacker chat room on the Internet, request why it feels more real when he's dreaming than when he's awake. He gets a response from an unknown person (presumably Neo) and then he asks who it is and if he is alone.

The next 24-hour interval, he is at schoolhouse, where he absent-mindedly scribbles Neo and Trinity'southward name and writes "become me out of here" in his notebook. He receives a telephone call from Neo on his cell phone, who warns him that a grouping of Agents is coming for him and he gets chased throughout the high school, before ultimately getting cornered on the roof. He asserts his organized religion in Neo and throws himself off the roof. At the Kid's funeral, amidst the people is his teacher, who converses with another school staff member and says that the world they alive in is not real and the real world is somewhere else. He also says that reality tin can be scary and the world must have been a harmful place for the Kid and he is now in a better earth.

The next scene fades out every bit the Child awakens in the real world to see Neo and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) watching over him. They remark that he has achieved "self substantiation" (removing oneself from the Matrix without external aid), which was considered incommunicable. In both the scene and The Matrix Reloaded , the Kid believes that it was Neo who saved him, but Neo says that he saved himself. The last scene shows the Kid's final question on the hacker chat room beingness answered with "Y'all are not alone."

Beyond [ edit ]

Beyond follows a teenage girl, Yoko (Hedy Burress), looking for her cat Yuki. While request effectually the neighborhood, which is somewhere in Mega City that resembles Nippon, she meets a grouping of young boys. One of them tells her that Yuki is within a nearby haunted house where they usually play.

The haunted firm is an old run-down building filled with an amalgamation of anomalies, which are revealed to be glitches in the Matrix, that the children take stumbled across. They take learned to exploit them for their own enjoyment, through several areas which seem to defy real-world physics. The boys play with glass bottles that reassemble after beingness shattered and they go into a large open space in the middle of the building that has a null gravity upshot. Meanwhile, as Yoko searches for Yuki throughout the building, she encounters some anomalies on her own. She goes through an area where broken lightbulbs flicker briefly (during which they seem intact), walks into a room where rain is falling from a sunny sky and goes down a hallway where a gust of wind appears and disappears. She finally finds Yuki exterior on a concrete pavement where she sees shadows that do not marshal with their physical origins. Yoko and then joins the boys in the open space, where she sees a pigeon feather rotating quickly in mid-air and experiences the zero gravity as she falls to the ground slowly and safely. She and the boys start using the cypher gravity force to bladder, jump high and do athletic stunts all in mid-air and tin besides land and autumn without hitting the basis hard. Despite the inherent strangeness of the identify, the group is not bothered as they enjoy themselves and the mysterious anomaly that proves to be agreeable.

Throughout the moving picture, brief sequences prove that Agents are aware of the problem in the Matrix, and a truck is seen driving toward the site to presumably deal with the problem. It arrives but as the children are having trouble with a large group of rats and an Agent-led team of rodent exterminators emerges from the truck. In the edifice, when Yoko finds a missing Yuki again, she sees i last anomaly where she opens a door that leads into an endless night void before existence found by the exterminators. The team clears everybody out of the building. The story ends when Yoko returns to the area the adjacent day and finds the site turned into an unremarkable parking lot. She sees the boys unsuccessfully attempting to recreate the bizarre occurrences of the day before and going in search of something else to do.

A Detective Story [ edit ]

Set in a dystopian time to come, [5] the story follows a private detective, Ash (James Arnold Taylor), who dreamed of following the steps of hard-boiled characters Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe just is a downwards-on-his-luck detective. Ane 24-hour interval, he receives an anonymous phone call to search for a hacker going by the allonym "Trinity" (Carrie-Anne Moss). Ash starts looking for Trinity and learns that other detectives have failed in the same chore before him; one committed suicide, one went missing, and one went insane.

Eventually, Ash finds Trinity after deducing that he should communicate using phrases and facts from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland . She proposes a meeting and he finds her on a passenger train. When he meets her, she removes a "problems" from his centre, planted by Agents earlier in an "eye exam," which Ash previously thought was a dream. Three Agents appear and endeavor to auscultate Trinity in a shoot-out with her and Ash. While the two are trying to escape, an Agent attempts to take over Ash'due south body, forcing Trinity to shoot him in guild to prevent the Agent from appearing. Ash is wounded, whereupon he and Trinity amicably bid farewell. Trinity tells Ash that she thinks he could take handled the truth as she jumps out of a window and escapes. The Agents enter the car to find Ash, who points his gun at them while looking in the other management and lighting a cigarette. The Agents turn to Ash who, even though he is armed, will probable dice. With this credible no-win situation, the film ends with Ash's line, "A case to stop all cases," as his lighter flame goes out.

Matriculated [ edit ]

The flick deals with a grouping of to a higher place-ground human rebels who lure hostile machines to their laboratory in order to capture them and insert them into a "matrix" of their own design. Inside this matrix, the humans attempt to teach the captured machines some of the positive traits of humanity, primarily pity and empathy. The rebels' hope is that, one time converted of its own volition (a primal point discussed in the film), an "aware" motorcar volition assist Zion in its struggle against the car-controlled totalitarianism which currently dominates the Earth.

The film starts with a human adult female Alexa (Melinda Clarke) looking out over the sea, watching for incoming machines, where she sees two "runners," one of the most intelligent robots, budgeted. She leads them into the laboratory, where one runner gets killed past a reprogramed robot, but the second runner kills the robot before Alexa electrocutes it. The rebels insert the runner into their matrix. The robot experiences moments of mystery, horror, wonder and excitement, leading information technology to believe it may have an emotional bond with Alexa.

However, the laboratory is attacked by Scout reinforcements. The rebels unplug themselves to defend their headquarters, along with the help of other captured machines (indicated by the machine's mechanical optics changing from crimson to greenish). Alexa unplugs the runner that has now turned good, where it saves her from a machine. The rebels and the attacking machines are all killed or destroyed, except for the runner. The robot plugs the dying Alexa and itself into the rebels' matrix. When Alexa realizes that she is trapped inside of the matrix with the runner, she is horrified and her avatar screams and dissolves every bit the runner exits from the rebels' matrix to see a dead Alexa in front end of him in the real world.

The film ends with the "converted" runner standing outside, looking out over the sea, in a replica of the opening shot with Alexa.

Concluding Flight of the Osiris [ edit ]

Captain Thadeus (Kevin Michael Richardson) and Jue (Pamela Adlon) appoint in a blindfolded sword fight in a virtual reality dojo. With each slice of their swords, they remove some other role of each other'southward wearable. Immediately afterwards cut the other downward to their underwear, they lift their blindfolds to peek at the other. Every bit the two are near to osculation, they are interrupted by an alarm and the simulation ends.

In the next scene, the hovercraft Osiris heads for Junction 21 when operator Robbie (Tom Kenny) discovers an ground forces of Sentinels on his Hr scans. The transport flees into an uncharted tunnel, where information technology encounters a minor group of Sentinels patrolling the surface area. The crew members homo the onboard guns and destroy the patrol. The send emerges on the surface, 4 kilometers direct above Zion and close to the Sentinel regular army. Thadeus and Jue run into that the Machines are using gigantic drills to tunnel their manner down to Zion. The Scout army detects the Osiris and pursues the transport.

Thadeus says that Zion must be warned, and Jue volunteers to broadcast herself into the Matrix to evangelize the alarm while the ship is adamantly pursued. Knowing that they are non going to make it, Thadeus and Jue admit to each other about peeking in the simulation before kissing adieu. Entering the Matrix, Jue eventually reaches a postal service box where she drops off a package; this sets the prologue for the video game Enter the Matrix . She attempts to contact Thadeus via cell phone as the Osiris is overrun by Sentinels and crashes. The Sentinels tear their way into the ship, where Thadeus makes a concluding stand against the Sentinels. Shortly later on Jue says "Thadeus" over her jail cell telephone, the Osiris explodes, destroying many of the Sentinels and killing the coiffure. In the Matrix, Jue falls expressionless to the ground, due to her body beingness destroyed on the ship.

Credits [ edit ]

Bandage [ edit ]

The Animatrix cast
Function English Japanese
The Second Renaissance
The Teacher Julia Fletcher Rika Fukami
01 Versatran spokesman Dane Davis Masashi Sugawara
Kid Debi Derryberry
Mother Jill Talley
extras Dwight Schultz
James Arnold Taylor
Jill Talley
Cis Hedy Buress Kaho Kouda
Duo Phil LaMarr Toshiyuki Morikawa
Kaiser John DiMaggio Shinji Ogawa
World Tape
Narrator Julia Fletcher
Dan Victor Williams Hiroki Touchi
Dan's dad John Wesley Kinryuu Arimoto
Tom Alex Fernandez Mitsuru Miyamoto
Reporter Allison Smith Atsuko Tanaka
Nurse Tara Strong Sayaka Kobayashi
Agent 1 Matt McKenzie Unshou Ishidzuka
Agent 2 Kevin Michael Richarson Tooru Ookawa
Kid's Story
The Kid Clayton Watson Hikaru Midorikawa
Neo Keanu Reeves Hiroaki Hirata
Trinity Carrie-Anne Moss Hiromi Tsuru
Teacher John DeMita Fumihiko Tachiki
Cop Kevin Michael Richardson Yuusaku Yara
extras James Arnold Taylor
Yoko Hedy Buress
Housewife Tress MacNeille Kenshou Ono
Pudgy Kath Soucie Kouki Uchiyama
Manabu Pamela Adlon
Masa Kath Soucie
Misha Tara Strong
Kenny Tress MacNeille
Sara Kath Soucie
Agent Matt McKenzie Yasunori Masutani
extras Jack Fletcher
Jill Talley
Julia Fletcher
Tom Kenny
A Detective Story
Ash James Arnold Taylor Masane Tsukuyama
Trinity Carrie-Anne Moss Hiromi Tsuru
Clarence Terrence C. Carson
Amanuensis Matt McKenzie
Alexa Melinda Clarke Takako Honda
Nonaka Dwight Schultz
Chyron Rodney Saulsberry Jin Yamanoi
Raul James Arnold Taylor Isshin Chiba
Rox Olivia D'Abo Yuu Sugimoto
Sandro Jack Fletcher
Final Flight of the Osiris
Thadeus Kevin Michael Richardson Akio Ootsuka
Jue Pamela Adlon Atsuko Yuya
Coiffure man John DiMaggio
Operator Tom Kenny
Pilot Rick Gomez
Crew woman Tara Strong
Sometime woman Bette Ford Miyoko Asou

Staff [ edit ]

The Animatrix staff
Office Person
The 2nd Renaissance
Manager Mahiro Maeda
Story The Wachowskis
Studio Studio iv°C
Director Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Studio Madhouse
World Tape
Managing director Takeshi Koike
Writer Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Studio Madhouse
Kid's Story
Managing director Shinichirō Watanabe
Story The Wachowskis
Studio Studio iv °C
Director Kōji Morimoto
Studio Studio 4 °C
A Detective Story
Manager Shinichirō Watanabe
Studio Studio iv °C
Director Peter Chung
Studio DNA Productions
Final Flight of the Osiris
Managing director Andy Jones
Writer The Wachowskis
Editor Christopher S. Capp
Studio Foursquare United states

Product [ edit ]

Development of the Animatrix project began when the motion picture serial' writers and directors, The Wachowskis, were in Japan promoting the first Matrix film. While in the country, they visited some of the creators of the anime films that had been a strong influence on their work, and decided to interact with them. [6]

The Animatrix was conceived and overseen past the Wachowskis, simply they simply wrote four of the segments themselves and did not direct any of their blitheness; most of the project's technical side was overseen by notable figures from the world of Japanese animation.

The English language version of The Animatrix was directed by Jack Fletcher, who brought on board the project the voice actors who provided the voices for the English version of Foursquare'due south Concluding Fantasy 10 , including Matt McKenzie, James Arnold Taylor, John DiMaggio, Tara Strong, Hedy Burress, and Dwight Schultz. The English version also features the voices of Victor Williams, Melinda Clarke, Olivia d'Abo, Pamela Adlon, and Kevin Michael Richardson.

The characters Neo, Trinity, and Child as well announced, with their voices provided past their original actors, Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Clayton Watson.

Music [ edit ]

The soundtrack was composed by Don Davis. Several electronic music artists are featured, including Juno Reactor and Adam Freeland.

Release [ edit ]

4 of the films were originally released on the series' official website; one (Final Flight of the Osiris) was shown in cinemas with the film Dreamcatcher . [vii] The others starting time appeared with the VHS and DVD release of all nine shorts on June 3, 2003. The DVD also includes the following special features:

  • A documentary on Japanese animation. The on-screen title is Scrolls to Screen: A Brief History of Anime, but in the DVD menu and packaging, and on the series' official website, it is referred to every bit Scrolls to Screen: The History and Civilization of Anime.
  • 7 featurettes with manager profiles, interviews, and backside-the-scenes footage of each of the films.
  • Audio commentaries on World Record, Plan, and both parts of The Second Renaissance.
  • A trailer for the video game Enter the Matrix .

Shortly later the abode video release, the motion-picture show was exhibited on June 14, 2003, in New York Urban center at the New York-Tokyo Picture Festival [8]

Information technology was broadcast on Adult Swim on April 17, 2004 (to promote the DVD release of The Matrix: Revolutions ) and again on its Toonami programming block on December xix, 2022 (to promote The Matrix: Resurrections ) (admitting with edits washed to remove nudity and gory violence in The Second Renaissance, parts I and 2), and has received airplay on Teletoon several months after its American broadcast. In the UK, Final Flight of the Osiris was broadcast on Channel 5 but before the DVD release, forth with The Second Renaissance Parts 1 and 2, Child's Story and World Record broadcast later on the DVD release.[ citation needed ]

In May 2006, The Animatrix was aired in Latin America and in Spain by Cartoon Network on Toonami.[ commendation needed ]

The Animatrix was too screened in select cinemas around the world for a short menstruation of time, a week or two before the sequel The Matrix Reloaded , as a promotional event.[ citation needed ]

One day before the release of The Matrix Reloaded on cinemas, the Brazilian telly channel SBT aired Final Flight of the Osiris after airing The Matrix to promote the film. The same thing happened with French tv channel French republic 2.[ commendation needed ]

The movie house release club for The Animatrix (at least in Australia), and its sequencing in a subsequent release on HBO Max, differed from the DVD release, placing the Final Flight of the Osiris last instead of offset. The movie house release-guild:

  1. The Second Renaissance, Part I (June 3, 2003)
  2. The Second Renaissance, Function Ii (June 7, 2003)
  3. Child's Story (June 14, 2003)
  4. Programme (June 21, 2003)
  5. World Tape (July v, 2003)
  6. Beyond (July 12, 2003)
  7. A Detective Story (Baronial 30, 2003)
  8. Matriculated (September 20, 2003)
  9. Final Flight of the Osiris (September 27, 2003)[ citation needed ]

To coincide with the Blu-ray edition of The Ultimate Matrix Collection, The Animatrix was likewise presented for the first time in high definition. The flick was released forth with the trilogy on Oct 14, 2008.[ citation needed ]

Reception [ edit ]

The Animatrix sold two.7one thousand thousand copies, grossing $68 million in sales revenue. [ix]

The Animatrix received more often than not positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, it has an approval rating of 89%, based on reviews from eighteen critics. [x] Helen McCarthy in 500 Essential Anime Movies stated that "unlike many heavily promoted franchise movies, it justifies its hype". She praised Maeda's 2nd Renaissance, noting that it "foreshadows the dazzling visual inventiveness of his later Gankutsuou ". [11]

Notes and references [ edit ]

  1. ^ Credited as Larry and Andy Wachowski.
  1. ^ "THE ANIMATRIX (15)". British Board of Picture show Nomenclature . June 5, 2003. Retrieved May 18, 2022.
  2. ^ Lenburg, Jeff (2009). The Encyclopedia of Animated Cartoons (tertiary ed.). New York: Checkmark Books. p. 256. ISBN 978-0-8160-6600-1 .
  3. ^ This is a quotation from Dred Scott v. Sandford , spoken past the defence at the trial of B1-66ER in Role I.
  4. ^ Maeda confirms the references to Eastern Europe and that Dark Storm is a nanite cloud in the DVD commentary.
  5. ^ Ranking Every The Matrix Brusk In The Animatrix. (September eighteen, 2022). Retrieved on August 28, 2022.
  6. ^ "What is The Animatrix?" characteristic on The Matrix Revisited DVD.
  7. ^ Boyle, Alan (March 26, 2003). "Short films flesh out 'Matrix' saga". NBC News . Retrieved July 23, 2022.
  8. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on February 19, 2008. Retrieved Feb four, 2008. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as championship (link)
  9. ^ Caster, Brett (November 10, 2003). "Cliff-Hanger". Forbes . Retrieved May v, 2017.
  10. ^ "The Animatrix (2003)". Rotten Tomatoes .
  11. ^ McCarthy, Helen. 500 Essential Anime Movies: The Ultimate Guide. — Harper Design, 2009. — P. 40. — 528 p. — ISBN978-0061474507

External links [ edit ]

What Is an Anime Like the Second Renaissance




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Annalena Baerbock - Annalena Baerbock Ex Trampolinist Aiming High In German Politics . This year has changed us all. So prall von selbstbewusstsein und so aufgeblasen vom eigenen ich, dass selbstkritik nicht mehr möglich scheint. 53 745 tykkäystä · 15 687 puhuu tästä. We link to the best sources from around the world. Последние твиты от annalena baerbock (@abaerbock). Was ist wahrhaftig an annalena baerbock? We link to the best sources from around the world. Explore tweets of annalena baerbock @abaerbock on twitter. Sie musste nur etwas, ein einziges kleinod schützen: This year has changed us all. Who Is Annalena Baerbock Exberliner Com from 53 745 tykkäystä · 15 687 puhuu tästä. In october 2008, she was elected to the executive board of her party's state group in brandenburg, rising up to chair of the. Annalena baerbock was bor

Liga Inggris 2021 : VIDEO - Seorang Ibu Pamerkan Bagian Dada di Depan Anaknya : Simak jadwal, hasil, dan klasemennya di sini!.

Jadwal, klasemen, dan top skor liga inggris 2021/2022: . Jum'at, 24 september 2021, 05:38 wib. Yuk lihat jadwal lengkap premiership 2021/2022. Liga inggris atau premier league akan melakoni perjalanan panjang. Ada chelsea vs man city dan north london derby. BNPB: 21 Hari Pertama 2021 Sudah Terjadi 185 Bencana Alam from Manchester city sukses menggilas chelsea pada laga pekan keenam liga primer inggris 2021/2022 di stamford bridge, sabtu (25/9/2021)/foto/ . Liga inggris atau premier league akan melakoni perjalanan panjang. Yuk lihat jadwal lengkap premiership 2021/2022. Jum'at, 24 september 2021, 05:38 wib. Ada chelsea vs man city dan north london derby. Mu akan menghadapi laga berat di liga inggris usai jeda internasional di oktober 2021 ini. Simak jadwal, hasil, dan klasemennya di sini!. Jadwal, klasemen, dan top s

Project Proposal Concept Paper Format Example / Concept Note Template How To Write With Samples

Project Proposal Concept Paper Format Example / Concept Note Template How To Write With Samples . The primary aim of a research concept paper is to convince the reader that the proposed research project is worth doing. It is from the concept paper that one develops the research proposal which can either be business. It contains a list of elements that benefit the client's problem, including objectives, action plans, benefits, and financial plans. What is the purpose of a concept paper? The crucial role misconceptions play in impeding concept learning is well established. Such a concept is outdated and has a negative effect on children whose families do not fall under this template. How to write a project concept before writing a full proposal, implementers should submit a completed concept proposal. Prevention of diseases, though historically considered as the flagship of the national health The five elements of a concept paper 1. The template is available on gov

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Nekopoi Ikura De Yaremasu Ka / Mxtube Net Nekopoi Ikura De Yaremasuka Mp4 3gp Video Mp3 Download Unlimited Videos Download . Do not forget to leave comments when read. On the day of her grandma's funeral, an unknown young man named shiina appeared. When she was young, her parents died in a car accident. Ikura shikyuu wo kegasarete mo kussuru mono ka! Jika sobat juga ingin mengetahui ikura de yaremasu ka maka kalian berada situs yang tepat, karena mimin disini akan membahas secara mendalam…. Смотрите видео yaremasu de ikura в высоком качестве. Shiawase ikura de kaemasuka ; As such, kiri is now alone and without support. Estás leyendo ikura de yaremasu ka? Niadd es el mejor sitio para leer ikura de yaremasu ka? Shiawase Ikura De Kaemasu Ka Chapter 1 1 Next Chapter 2 from Dont forget to read the other manga updates. Ikura de yare

Canon Printer Setup - Canon Printer Setup in 2020 | Printer, Setup, Software support

Canon Printer Setup - Canon Printer Setup in 2020 | Printer, Setup, Software support . How to setup & install canon wireless printer? You can easily share documents, photos, videos. Using this, you can download the printer driver for your canon printer that will further work on enhancing your experience. Click the desired download link on this site to download the driver. Thereafter, connect printer and windows system with usb cable. For this, click on the language and select the language of your choice. Canon wireless printer setup involves various steps to configuration and how to connect this printer via wireless mode to the computer or smart devices. Canon printer setup requires you to first prepare your printer by completing its hardware setup. You can easily share documents, photos, videos. Setup wifi connection of canon printer using Canon PIXMA MG3022 Driver, W

Brereton Chile : Brereton va de titular: La sorpresiva formación de Chile ...

Brereton Chile : Brereton va de titular: La sorpresiva formación de Chile ... . Blackburn rovers striker ben brereton scored the only goal on his first start for chile as they beat bolivia in their first win of this year's copa america. Ben brereton es el protagonista de las portadas luego de anotar por primera vez con la camiseta de chile, en el partido contra bolivia, válido por la fase de grupos en copa américa. The striker, who was born in stoke and played for england at. Born in stoke, scoring for chile! Chile manager martin lasarte replaced a noticeably fatigued brereton with pablo aranguiz in the 84th minute after a tireless display in humid conditions. Ben brereton no sólo marcó su primer gol con chile. La roja sumó su primer triunfo en la copa américa. Antes de irse de la roja, el entrenador colombiano dejó resultados de una rigurosa búsqueda. Ben brereton del blackburn rovers, marcó el primero de chile frente a bolivia / cortesía. Born in stoke, scoring

Max Verstappen Monaco - Monaco A Must Win For Max Verstappen S Title Chances Planetf1

Max Verstappen Monaco - Monaco A Must Win For Max Verstappen S Title Chances Planetf1 . Technische problemen gerelateerd aan de power unit, zorgden zelfs voor een uitvalbeurt. Formula 1 grand prix de monaco 2019. Red bull's max verstappen believes he can't compete with mercedes, but has set his sights on beating ferrari at the monaco grand prix. Driving for scuderia torro rosso max was involved in a high speed collision with romain grosjean and. F1 driver @redbullracing | keep pushing the limits. Tijdens de laatste race op monza, zat het aston martin red bull racing en max verstappen niet mee. Ik zie max verstappen wel winnen in monaco. In dit duel kreeg vooral verstappens vechtlust. Max verstappen used to go on family holidays with michael schumacher, lives in monaco and is blazing a trail as f1's next big thing. Een 'unsafe release' duwde hem alsnog van volgens de britten zagen de toeschouwers in monaco 'an epic battle' tussen twee groot

"Short Form" Delaware "Operating Agreement" : Delaware Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement - Free LLC ...

"Short Form" Delaware "Operating Agreement" : Delaware Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement - Free LLC ... . Short form delaware operating agreement : Short form delaware operating agreement : / asset purchase agreement short form. Short form delaware operating agreement : Short form delaware operating agreement : An operating agreement is not required for a delaware llc, but it's a good practice to have one. $99 for a short form certificate that states the name and good standing status of your. A delaware limited liability company. / asset purchase agreement short form. Division of corporations 401 federal street suite 4 dover, de 19901. Free Delaware LLC Operating Agreement Templates - PDF ... from Free free delaware single member llc operating agreement. To be used to establish operating procedures for a limited l

Tausendertafel Pdf - digiCULT - Museen im Saarland : Kühnels Tausendertafel ...

Tausendertafel Pdf - digiCULT - Museen im Saarland : Kühnels Tausendertafel ... . Prüfe dein wissen anschließend mit arbeitsblättern. Tausenderfeld ausdrucken tausenderbuch basteln / tausendertafel tausenderbuch pdf als pdf/word mit lösung zahlenraum bis 1000, tausendertafel, tausenderstreifen, tausenderfeld, zahlenstrahl. Tausendertafel pdf / tausendertafel zum ausdrucken pdf hundertertafel hunderterfeld bei mathestunde com findest du unzahlige aufgabenblatter zum ausdrucken : Tausendertafel pdf / hundertertafel zum ausdrucken | ausdrucken, tafel, schule : Tausenderfeld und hundertertafel müssen zahlen eingetragen werden. Hier gibt's jede menge übungsmaterial zur mathematik. Tausendertafel pdf / hundertertafel zum ausdrucken | ausdrucken, tafel, schule tausendertafel zum ausdrucken kostenlos : Tausenderfeld ausdrucken tausenderbuch basteln / tausendertafel tausenderbuch pdf als pdf/word mit lösung zahlenraum bis 1000, tausendertafel, tausenderstreifen, tausender

Havana Syndrom / As Mystery Over Havana Syndrome Lingers A New Concern Emerges

Havana Syndrom / As Mystery Over Havana Syndrome Lingers A New Concern Emerges . Find out the best things to do in this cuban city. Try our symptom checker got any other. A visit to havana is now a possibility for many and is an opportunity you shouldn't miss. Overview of how hepatologists and other specialists treat symptoms, health problems, and complications of alagille syndrome with medicines and surgery. Compared with many other caribbean cities, whose historic be the first to discover secret destinations, travel hacks, and more. The stress hormone cortisol carries out some important functions in the human body, including controlling inflammation, regulating blood pressure and managing reactions to stress. Diplomats in cuba have reported mysterious symptoms. A visit to havana is now a possibility for many and is an opportunity you shouldn't miss. Best beaches museums to visit where to go shopping foods to try best restaurants in havana nightlif. Overview